Support Lives. Save The Future.

Only a small donation will transform the future for these kids.

Home Building

Family Planning

Medical Care

Providing Food

Love & Support

Clean Water

Our Plan

Our project has successfully supported the lives of deficient kids in Haiti for over five years. Through donations, you can help provide food, quality education, and good healthcare for the future hopes of Haiti, the kids.

  • 40% of funds go to food
  • 35% for Educational Funds
  • 25% for medical care

Who we are

The Little Hearts Dream Foundation (LHDF) provides primary education to marginalized and severely disadvantaged Haitian children. LHDF established two schools operating in Cap-Haitian and Robillard Haiti that enforce the otherwise routinely violated human right to education for Haitian Children. LHDF seeks to tackle the obstacles surrounding the right to education, health, and food…

What we do

Earnestly and undeterred, we are providing quality education to the underprivileged children of Haiti, promoting family planning practices to control population growth, providing food and clean water for the kids in need, offering sound healthcare, and showing our love and support to the wanting population of the “disaster area” Haiti.

With your support, we can do more.

Our Mission

To help build a better, stronger, and sustainable Haiti with a primary focus on her most treasured asset, her children.

How We Help the Kids

Quality education, good healthcare, and healthy food are the primary needs of children in developing nations. Above our relentless effort to provide these, we strive to heal the traumatized nation of Haiti through expressions of love and support.

Our Vision

That the children of Haiti, and the rest of the world, grow, with good health and sound mind, into sturdy forces for global sustainable growth. 

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